There are many different paths that 你 self-advocacy can take. 这里我们提供了一些建议,帮助你思考这个过程中的一些关键步骤:
之前 你 self-advocate, 你 need to reflect and research. 这不仅应该包括你想要改变的事情,以及为什么这种改变对帮助你实现目标很重要, but also research into 你r specific context. 每个环境都是不同的,所以你的自我宣传计划可能会有所不同. 在制定计划之前,尽可能多地思考、反思和学习是很重要的. 这将帮助你在这个过程中做出更明智的决定. Some key questions to ask 你rself include:
- 您的需求或担忧
- 你需要什么??
- What is the issue or concern that 你 hope to resolve?
- What change would 你 like to see happen?
- What are some reasons why this issue might be coming up?
- 上下文
- When and where is the issue or concern happening?
- What has been shared by the instructor already?
- Have 你 already met with the instructor?
- What is already included on the syllabus?
- What are the essential requirements of the course?
- 可能的解决方案
- How have similar issues been resolved before?
- 变化是如何发生的??
- Are there any potential creative solutions?
Once 你 have reflected and done 你r research, it is important to set specific goals and make a plan. While 你 might not meet every goal, 了解你希望走的方向和你希望看到的结果是很重要的. 你的计划 can include any of the following:
Goal setting is a vital part of self-advocacy. 这是当你明确你想要达到的目标时. Without knowing what 你 hope to achieve, 制定一个好的计划或有效地倡导是不可能的. 这并不是说你必须知道确切的结果. 目标设定更多的是围绕着创造一个方向,然后你可以为之创造更具体的目标.
- What are 你r goals and why are they important to 你?
- What are the key barriers that 你 face?
- Are there short-term things that can be addressed?
- Are there long-term things that need to be addressed?
- What are some of the different ways 你 might meet the goal?
- 这是你想自己处理的事情,还是你想让联合国儿童基金会的其他办事处参与进来?
- What is the best way to present 你r issue/concern?
目标很重要, 但是,当自我倡导时,考虑如何实现这些目标也很重要. In other words, 你 need a good strategy. 一个好的策略是具体的,列出你能做什么,但也是灵活的(计划很少完全按照预期进行)。.
Elements of a Self-Advocacy Plan
- 你的具体目标
- What do 你r hope to accomplish?
- How will 你 know 你r self-advocacy has been successful?
- The steps needed to reach the goal
- What steps do 你 need to take?
- What steps would others potentially need to take?
- How long will it take to reach the goal?
- 沟通问题的最佳方式是什么(电子邮件、课后谈话、办公时间等).)?
- 你需要的资源
- Will 你 need any resources to help 你 reach the goal?
- Is there anything that 你 need to gather in advance?
- 谁有可能帮助你?
- How 你 will assess 你r progress
- How will 你 know if the goals are met?
- Are there things 你 will need to follow-up with over time?
Preparing to Implement Your Plan
- How do 你 want to prepare to implement the plan?
- 你需要或者想要提前把谈话写下来吗?
- Do 你 want to roleplay the plan before implementing it?
- 在实施计划之前,你想和谁一起回顾一下你的计划吗?
Keep in mind that all good strategies are flexible strategies. 我们无法预测或计划所有的事情,所以在什么时候要灵活和理解是很重要的 你 self-advocate. 重要的是要思想开明,明白你可能不得不在某些方面妥协.
- Are there other ways that 你r goal could be achieved?
- What are some things that are non-negotiable to 你?
- What are some areas where 你 can be flexible?
- Are there other people to talk with about the issue or concern?
Step 3: Put Your Plan in Motion
一旦你有了一个合适的计划,是时候把你的计划付诸行动了. Keep in mind that any good plan is a flexible plan. 有时谈话不会像预期的那样进行,或者你需要把话题转移到你的要求上. 仅仅因为你最初的计划可能没有像你希望的那样起作用,并不意味着你不能实现你的目标.
When it comes to self-advocacy, disagreement is common. 这并不是说人们不想支持你,或者他们认为你的目标没有价值. 而不是, 人们并不总是从你的角度看问题,有时人们会有不同的目标. 分歧并不意味着你不能实现你的目标,或者这个人不重视你. Rather disagreement might stem from:
- A misunderstanding about what is being asked
- 相互冲突的目标
- 如何有效地执行请求的不确定性
Disagreement is something 你 will encounter in self-advocacy, 所以重要的是要考虑当这种情况发生时你该怎么做.
Navigating Challenging Conversations
思考如何引导可能存在分歧的对话的一种方法是HEAR框架(驾驭细微差别:没有冲突的异议艺术|斯坦福商学院). 这个框架有助于重新定义事物,以确保你的谈话富有成效. 它有四个关键部分:
- H. ——套期保值 -当存在分歧时,重要的是要具体并承认情况的细微差别. 这方面是永利app新版本官网地址尽量避免绝对的事情,比如“这种事情经常发生”或“你从来没有”...相反,通过承认具体情况来构建分歧. 例如,你可以说“我注意到了这种情况”或者“上次我们上课的时候”.
- E. -强调一致- 几乎总是有更多的事情我们同意比不同意. It is important to emphasize that common ground. 这有助于确保我们朝着共同的目标前进. It doesn't mean we will always agree in the end, but it will help ensure the conversation is productive.
- A. ——承认 -当存在分歧时,理解分歧的双方是很重要的. 这方面强调我们需要承认我们已经听到并理解了与我们交流的人的观点. 这需要多角度思考和积极倾听.
- R. ——重构 - It is important to keep the conversation positive. Keep in mind, that doesn't mean 你 have to agree. 而不是 it is all about how 你 help to frame the disagreement. 例如, 说“你不关心我的住宿”和“我想和你谈谈我们如何确保我的住宿在未来有效地实施”是非常不同的。. 在消极的框架下,人们有时会自我封闭或自我防御,而在积极的框架下,人们会更加开放和体贴.
Knowing Who to Contact and When
Self-advocacy does not need to happen alone or in a vacuum. 有效的自我倡导者也知道他们的资源和关系,并在整个过程中利用这些支持. This could include things like:
- Talking with someone 你 trust (for example a past instructor, 导师, 朋友, or family member) about 你r plan.
- Rehearsing 你r plan with a 朋友.
- Brainstorming possible solutions with a 朋友.
- 联系学生无障碍服务(SAS)或其他相关的UNH办公室.
4 .跟进
即使你成功地实现了你的目标,跟进也是很重要的. The purpose of this follow-up is two-fold:
- Ensure there is a clear plan moving forward
- 继续发展与你支持的人的关系
虽然解决问题可能是更直接的目标,但建立关系同样重要. 未来的问题可能会出现,你可能会再次与这个人共事. 主动建立关系有助于为未来的对话和合作奠定基础.